mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Back on Hugo for this Site

This blog has run a lot of different software. It started as a microblog written in Perl, then I switched to Movable Type, then Wordpress, and now I’ve been running Ghost for a while now on this blog, I think more than two years, after dropped Wordpress, because I was constantly fighting to keep it secure and to keep from being hacked. Ghost has been begging me to update, so it was time to re-imagine things here.

Ninja Coffee Machine

A poem for ninjas

Hiking the 10mi Ameri-trail

Hiking 10 miles on the Ameri-trail at Lake Houston Wilderness Park. Just a short day hike, which got super hot, and buggy!

It's been a year, MS150 Again.

Blogging is not something I keep up with a lot.

2014 Houston BPMS150 Ride

Biking MS150 for a cure for multiple sclerosis.

Cyclists, what they think I do.

Figured I’d make my own. Mainly because the ones I see are never quite right.

Drivers Hating Cyclist on Twitter Gratitude

Drivers Hating Cyclist on Twitter Gratitude.

“Drivers: You sit behind the wheel of the most advanced personal transport device in the history of the world. All you need to do is apply slight pressure to a pedal with your foot and you are instantly propelled forward at an incredible rate of speed. Some slight side-to-side motions with your hands, or even one hand if you like, steers you almost anywhere your heart desires. At your disposal are turn-by-turn directions to any location on earth. You sit eating snacks in a protected, climate-controlled chamber on top of a seat more comfortable than most kings’ thrones. If something should slow you down temporarily you can almost instantly make that speed up by applying a little extra pressure to that pedal. Simply amazing how far we’ve come.