mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Car Watching?

The things I have to do at work.

Playboy Joke and Comments

So I was reading the new September Playboy issue and came across this joke: Scientific research recently revealed evidence that female hormones are present in beer.A group of twenty men were given six pints of beer each.One hundred percent of men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn’t drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, and refused to apologize when wrong. On another note, this issue also has an excellent interview with Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google’s head hanchos), not to mention a stunning centerfold, some neat drink tips, and even “Women of the Olympics”.

Scott's Coupon/Refill Rant

Scott has an interesting rant on using coupons and getting refills.. Although I’ve seen people save $30 on a $100 grocery ticket, I can understand having to wait in line, especially when you got a 33 pound squirming baby on your left arm! I’m taking a stance on something. I don’t use coupons, and I don’t believe in them. I hate it when you are in line at the grocery store and the person in front of you has 300 coupons, half of which are expired, all so they can save about 2 bucks.

Im bored

Man I’m bored. It’s Wednesday, although it feels like a Monday, I had jury duty yesterday, they kept me until 7pm, but luckily I didn’t get picked. We got ANOTHER new coffee pot from Aramark today, when will this insanity end??? (We’ve been getting coffee machines like crazy lately, the dumb people who work here keep putting 1.5 packs of coffee in the machine and it seems to be the most important thing here at work now are the damn coffee machines!

Linux World Days 1-3

Jeez, I keep forgetting to write about LinuxWorld.. First of all, sitting on a bed and using the laptop gets very uncomfortable after about 20 minutes in one position. The weather has been great here.. high 50’s at night and high 60’s in the daytime.. The conference has been great, got so much free stuff, im going to have to get a box for all this stuff and check it as baggage.

Linux World Arrival

Made it to San Francisco this afternoon for Linux World. The weather is real nice, about 68 degrees right now.. The hotel is decent, but the wireless seems to be flaky, it’s acting like a linksys router or something.. every minute or so it drops me. I’ve got the same issues in linux and windows with both my broadcom b/g minipci and my orinoco gold.. so im using my orinoco with the externa mag mount antenna.

YAPC Day 3 and out

Day three was good.. I really enjoyed Damian’s talk.. Overall good conference this year.. the University at Buffalo was a great place to host it. They had wireless everywhere, and plenty of places to eat on campus.. Go to tour the supercomputing lab. That was fun. Went to Niagra falls last night, and hopped the bridge to Canada.. Anyways.. I’m in the Buffalo airport, gotta get some food and hop on a place to Cleveland, OH, then to Houston, and I’m home.