Category: Life

A collection of 133 posts

More idiots

By Michael Palmer |  Oct 4, 2005  | #email, #ranting | 1 min read
Note to all: do you save your important stuff in your garbage can? People at my office do! I get a call today “I had this email in my trash folder yesterday and now its not there.” well duh, the garbage man came!
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Abortion, Jesus, and the Pledge of Allegiance

By Michael Palmer |  Sep 29, 2005  | #ranting | 1 min read
I was thinkin about crazy anti-abortion people in the shower this morning which made me think: Is the “morning after pill” considered abortion? If anti-abortionists say no, then they are retarded. A fertilized egg is flushed out by the pill. That’s the same thing as suctioning out a three week old fetus in my book. Just had that on my mind this morning. Another thing: whoever put the sign on my way home from work that says “Jesus saves you from hell”, its annoying and I’m going to rip it down.
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Crazy Heat

By Michael Palmer |  Sep 29, 2005  | #weather, #houston | 1 min read
Is Houston supposed to be 100 degrees every day at the end of September? Ugh, come on winter, hurry up already before I move to Alaska! Yes first post in a while, more to come today..
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Happy New Year

By Michael Palmer |  Jan 4, 2005  | #travel, #goals | 1 min read
Happy New Year everyone. I hope every one has a great year, and decides to do things a little different this year. I’m gonna try to keep my life a little more organized, and to get in shape.
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