26things to photograph

Ok, so I decided to start working on a webpage for the 26things project. I’m trying to keep the layout very clean and simple. I’ve already got 4 out of the 26 categories done. I don’t know if I should put all 26 on the index page, or if I should have multiple index pages, and only show 4 per page, thus creating 6 total index pages.. hrm. I guess I’ll decide when the time comes where I’m getting closer to completing all 26 categories. ...

July 3, 2003 · 1 min · 91 words · Michael Palmer

Photography - 26 Things Project

Making progress on the 26 things project.

July 2, 2003 · 1 min · 38 words · Michael Palmer

26 Things Photo Hunt

A Photo Project

July 1, 2003 · 1 min · 60 words · Michael Palmer


Fotolog.net is a good site that hosts weblogs for photos only. They currently have 12,260 people using the service, with 172,036 photo’s. Pretty nead.Check it out : Fotolog.net

June 10, 2003 · 1 min · 28 words · Michael Palmer