mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl


Setting up a wiki for the personal site.

MozDex Open Source Search

My friend Byron’s search company is taking off.

New Server!

Thanks to donations, we’re up and running on new hardware!

Damn Spam is Back

Spam seems to be taking over everything. Anyways, Short post here.. I’ve turned off the comments for all entries older than 5 days, until I figure out a better way of dealing with the spam.. I dont thing MT-Blacklist is working right.

Update: Okay, I turned back on the comments, going to see if I’ve fixed MT-Blacklist.

Wee Middle of the night

Goodnight moon

New Server - Donations

This old girl is gonna quit soon, need some new equipment.

MS Smartphone

Where’s our linux based phone? HUH GUYS??

AT&T Wireless has begun selling Motorola’s MPx200, the first smart phone based on Microsoft software to be sold in the U.S.

Read More : PCWorld.com – Microsoft Ships First SmartPhone in U.S.