mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Wow!! Ten Years of Blogging!

Okay .. So I know I’m the worst blogger ever…. But it’s been up 10 years! March 2013 was 10 years of blogging! Holy crap. Maybe I should write more, it seems like six months between posts!

LeatherCraft 1539 18 Multi-Compartment Tool Carrier

Struggling with the right tools for the job.

Kamailio - Changing the From URI for Level3

URI weirdness with Level3

The Microsoft/Android war: Which patents are at stake?

Good article over at Network World about Patents Microsoft has claimed to hold. I’ve blogged about the silliness of patents like this in the past. People at the patent offices must be not tech savvy. I would NEVER have let such vague patents be allowed through.

Check some of them out: The Microsoft/Android war: Which patents are at stake?

Get an array of months in Perl

Building an array of months for an HTML dropdown box.

Ryobi s430 4-Stroke leaky gas cap.

After only a few months of use, my gas cap is leaking

Introducing Amazon Silk

Amazon Internet filtering could be interesting.