googlecards wordpress link
Fixing googlecards in Wordpress
Fixing googlecards in Wordpress
A detailed explanation of the RAID levels one could possibly choose.
Almost missed Texas Linux Fest this year! Last year it fell on a non-good weekend for me. I’m going to actually try and attend this year. Lots of good sponsors, and good speakers!
Playing World of Warcraft on a new character.
Configuring a working DND button on a Polycom 330 or 550 phone.
It’s Wednesday, and we’re moving web servers.
Just a random thought here: If we are talking SIP to one another, and you’re not going to complete my call… Please oh please come back with a 503, not “200 OK”! And thanks for making me setup static routes for area codes you wont return 503 on too. allows you to setup your own IPv6 network anywhere.
Server back up. Less bandwidth now, but at least its running again.
Calculating average times in SQL