Perl vs PHP5

Edit: Sorry brian d foy. See comments. brian d foy writes in this article, O’Reilly Network: Perl versus PHP 5, that he’s seen a lot of complaints about how hard it is to install modules in Perl. Now either he doesn’t use Perl, or maybe he just doesn’t know. perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Module::Name' That’s it. PHP doesn’t have a vast module network. I don’t hate PHP, but sooo many security issues, im ALWAYS upgrading mod_php. Perl is my language of choice. I’ve used python/php/tcl and I always come back to Perl. ...

August 20, 2004 · 1 min · 92 words · Michael Palmer

Sony Ericsson T610

Ordered the Sony T610 phone today.. it’s on amazon free after rebate right now. Anyways, I’m working on getting bloging setup via email that way I can blog from my phone. More as it progresses.

June 10, 2004 · 1 min · 35 words · Michael Palmer

Tivo Wants

Dangit, I want a Tivo. I’m more and more tired daily of missing shows that I want to watch, and getting stuck watching stuff I don’t want to see but am forced to because nothing else is on. Tivo is my answer, i’ve put it off so long, only because of the cost, but now I can get a 60hr on ebay for under $180. Is it worth it? Research time. ...

June 9, 2004 · 1 min · 71 words · Michael Palmer

Pace Up Onda Blog


June 8, 2004 · 1 min · 6 words · Michael Palmer

Finished LConMan

Linux Connection Manager

May 27, 2004 · 1 min · 75 words · Michael Palmer

Mikedaddy? Search results.

Mikedaddy was a decent choice for a unique name.

May 23, 2004 · 1 min · 105 words · Michael Palmer

Bloglines Rules

A feed reader that works.

May 18, 2004 · 1 min · 64 words · Michael Palmer

Email Parsing Woes

Parsing email is kinda tough, but can be made easier with some nice Perl modules.

May 5, 2004 · 2 min · 219 words · Michael Palmer

Wooo Gmail

I got a beta invite for Gmail. Gonna se how this goes.

April 21, 2004 · 1 min · 12 words · Michael Palmer

Bond.. James Bond..

Thinkgeek is selling a James Bond Stealth Camera. It costs $100 but, still it’s kinda neat. Good for those candid shots of people when they don’t know you’ve got a camera.

April 21, 2004 · 1 min · 31 words · Michael Palmer