mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

To AMD or not to AMD?

Seems to be an age old question for me.

MT Upgrade Finally

Upgraded my Movable Type install.

Perl vs PHP5 Part II / Blogging

Made myself look like an idiot in front of a Perl audience.

Perl vs PHP5

Edit: Sorry brian d foy. See comments.

brian d foy writes in this article, O’Reilly Network: Perl versus PHP 5, that he’s seen a lot of complaints about how hard it is to install modules in Perl. Now either he doesn’t use Perl, or maybe he just doesn’t know.

perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Module::Name'

That’s it. PHP doesn’t have a vast module network. I don’t hate PHP, but sooo many security issues, im ALWAYS upgrading mod_php. Perl is my language of choice. I’ve used python/php/tcl and I always come back to Perl.

Sony Ericsson T610

Ordered the Sony T610 phone today.. it’s on amazon free after rebate right now. Anyways, I’m working on getting bloging setup via email that way I can blog from my phone. More as it progresses.

Tivo Wants

Dangit, I want a Tivo. I’m more and more tired daily of missing shows that I want to watch, and getting stuck watching stuff I don’t want to see but am forced to because nothing else is on. Tivo is my answer, i’ve put it off so long, only because of the cost, but now I can get a 60hr on ebay for under $180. Is it worth it? Research time.

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