I had a need to build an array of months between a set month and the current month. My purpose was to let the user choose a month to build a report for.
I’m using this on the web, so I’m printing out dates.
You’ll need Date::Manip::Recur
# Returns a date like "2011-01-01"
my $monStart = getOldestEntry($account);
use Date::Manip::Recur;
my $recur = new Date::Manip::Recur;
# Parse out the first of the month for every month since start until today.
my $err = $recur->parse('0:0*0:0:0:0:0',$monStart,$monStart,"Today");
# Return an array object of dates
my @dates = $recur->dates();
# Loop through the date objects
for (@dates) {
# Assign the current month value to a scalar.
my $curMonth = $_->value();
# I only cared to see YYYYMM so I regex'd it.
$curMonth =~ s/^(\d{4})(\d{2}).*$/$1$2/;
print parseMonth($curMonth)
sub parseMonth {
use Time::Local;
use Date::Format;
my $md = shift;
# Match on YYYYMM
$date =~ m/^(\d{4})(\d{2})/;
my $year = $1; my $mon = $2;
# Convert to epoch
my $time = timelocal(0,0,0,1,$mon-1,$year);
# Return back (%B %Y) as "August 2010"
return(time2str("%B %Y", $time));