Holy cow, where does the time go!! Has it really almost been two months since my last post? To recap the past almost two months:
Thanksgiving was fun, met up with a ton of people at Hojo’s. Some I haven’t seen since high school! Nice seeing everyone, hope to do that again! Went to Sammi’s parents house and ate a ton of food, they always cook a ton and I have to eat it all…. twice! Then went to my parents and ate some more food. Ugh.
Yammer yammer yammer month in between…
Christmas was good, Kylie got a crapload of gifts.. I got a nice jacket, some other clothes, and some great books which I am enjoying. Got Sammi some books she had mentioned a while back and a nice sweater which had rabbit fur in it! Normally I’m great about picking out clothes for her but I’m not sure about this one. It may be returned this weekend. Oh I also “got her” a jacket but it was a few days before xmas and it was a “this will be my xmas present” gift kinda thing.
New Years was good, we had a wedding to go to from 2pm until hmm i think we left 8-9pm. Sammi was a brides maid so we couldnt skip out of it, but it ended up working out and we got out of there at a reasonable time. Headed to “the office” (not mine) for a usual New Years celebration. Haven’t seen “the gang” in a while so it was nice to catch up with everyone.
I’ve eaten entirely too much over the holidays. Although I have not gained one pound since like August, I think I’ve just lost muscle and gained fat. I feel fat, but the scale doesn’t say so. I need more cardio! FEED ME EXCERCISE!!
Kylie is sick. Real sick. I’m hoping she gets better by tomorrow night, I haven’t seen her all week and I really want to have her over this weekend.