mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Movable Type

Upgraded the Movable Type install on the blog..with errors.

In good hands with Allstate

Allstate sent me a hand written birthday card. How sweet. I do love Allstate. When my apartment burned down, Allstate was there.

— End Allstate plug

YAPC::NA - 2007

Finally Houston get’s to host a YAPC.


huhuhhu he said bunghole

mmm sushi

Eating sushi for lunch today.

Postfix and Spamassassin

Writing X-Spam-Status headers with Spamassassin

Rotary Club

Every so often I have to go to Rotary Club on Thursdays to help out my boss. I was sitting there waiting and thought, I dont have one pic of the place its held in. This is just a quick cellphone snap of the hallway.