mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Hiking the 10mi Ameri-trail

Hiking 10 miles on the Ameri-trail at Lake Houston Wilderness Park. Just a short day hike, which got super hot, and buggy!

Email move was simple

Moving email off of a private server to fastmail was pretty easy.

Email, Privacy, and You

Thinking about moving email off to a private server.

iSCSI Target Server Choices

Building a custom iSCSI target server based on Debian Linux. Will it work?

Servers: No country for old men

It’s amazing how long Linux server can run if you don’t patch them.

It's been a year, MS150 Again.

Blogging is not something I keep up with a lot.

2014 Houston BPMS150 Ride

Biking MS150 for a cure for multiple sclerosis.