Heartburn Thoughts...
Spicy chicken gives me heartburn.
Spicy chicken gives me heartburn.
Thinkgeek is selling a James Bond Stealth Camera. It costs $100 but, still it’s kinda neat. Good for those candid shots of people when they don’t know you’ve got a camera.
Updaitng spamassassin with new blacklists is pretty easy.
Right down the line.
An article by Kuro5hin today entitled “Jenna Jameson, Janet Jackson, and The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre” sparked a thought in my mind. If extreme violence is okay to be viewed just because Jesus is the one who is being beaten, I wonder if porn would be okay that depicted Jesus in sexual positions?? Just a quick thought before I leave. hehe.
Setting up a wiki for the personal site.
My friend Byron’s search company is taking off.
Thanks to donations, we’re up and running on new hardware!
Spam seems to be taking over everything. Anyways, Short post here.. I’ve turned off the comments for all entries older than 5 days, until I figure out a better way of dealing with the spam.. I dont thing MT-Blacklist is working right. Update: Okay, I turned back on the comments, going to see if I’ve fixed MT-Blacklist.
Well, got back from London last Friday, but I’m finally getting around to making a post. I will have a ton of pictures sometime soon of London. Don’t know when. I’m super busy at work right now, so I dont have any time to post much. Oh, got to see the season finale of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Tuesday night. It was funny, good end to a season, more of a feel good ending. ...