Kill Bill Premier

Attended the premier of Kill Bill in Houston for free

October 9, 2003 · 1 min · 81 words · Michael Palmer

PocketPC Clustering


October 8, 2003 · 1 min · 15 words · Michael Palmer

Search engine references

Things people are searching for and ending up on this blog

October 2, 2003 · 1 min · 108 words · Michael Palmer

Lazy Me

Well, i’ve been real lazy. It’s 6:20pm and I dont wanna be here any longer, I’m fixing to leave to home.. Sorry I haven’t posted much, been ebaying like mad. I bought a new Canon Digital SLR camera. It’s nice, It’s amazingly nice. I haven’t kept my hands off of it, except while I’m at work.

October 1, 2003 · 1 min · 56 words · Michael Palmer

Weekend Links

Been busy this week, again. Here’s some more links for the weekend. Be ready to shell out at least $120,000 on this shower it has 19 heads each with their own pressure and temperature controls. I WANT ONE! Electronic Paper may be in the near future. The 52 Most Dangerous American Dignitaries – The Bush Regime Card Deck. You can download a PDF of the deck Online! ...

September 26, 2003 · 1 min · 188 words · Michael Palmer

Funnies for the weekend

Tons of links to keep you all busy over the weekend. Kicked in the nuts. Within three years, most bank machines that dispense cash will run on the Windows operating system, according to a study published last week. Ensuring web sites are easy for disabled people to use is no longer an option – it is a legal obligation. ...

September 19, 2003 · 1 min · 94 words · Michael Palmer

Site Downtime

Well, the site was down for most of the day today due to what I assume is a DOS attack. It’s still going on, but has slown down a bit. There are about 6000 unique hosts that are hitting the site, all requesting a certain url that doesn’t exist. Possibly this is a mass email with a link to the site? Maybe someone has control of 6000 virus laden boxes. I’m not sure. Only about 3% of all requests for that page actually have referrers. ...

September 18, 2003 · 1 min · 149 words · Michael Palmer

Funny Haha Novell Crash

No Posts for today, busy as usual. Novell (yes i know ick!) had a crash today and had to implement some new backup techniques. In the mean time, i saw some funny pics today. Long Flight, Aerodynamics

September 16, 2003 · 1 min · 37 words · Michael Palmer

Linux on Linksys

Linux access on the WRT54G – This is a mini Linux distribution for the Linksys wrt54g. In about 20 seconds, you can install a small set of Linux tools to your access point’s ramdisk. Thanks Metlhed

September 8, 2003 · 1 min · 36 words · Michael Palmer

Microsoft Highschool

The Gates Foundation is funding a highschool. A $46 million high school dazzling with the latest technology – from interactive digital textbooks and computerized tablets to electronic play diagrams for the basketball team – will be built by the Philadelphia School District in partnership with the Microsoft Corp., officials announced today. Read More : Microsoft to design city high school

September 5, 2003 · 1 min · 60 words · Michael Palmer