Gentoo PortageView

Been working on a side project. It’s finished pretty much. PortageView. Its sorta a searchable database of portage. Works nice. and its Fast. Saw Type-O Negative in concert last night. It was a great concert, except the club it was at had a lot of audio problems and Peter was getting pissed off. But what can you expect from a 25 year old club that has no working A/C.

September 4, 2003 · 1 min · 69 words · Michael Palmer

Bond Car / Boat

Just like in the movies, someone is finally releasing one! and its only」150,000! Time to start saving.

September 3, 2003 · 1 min · 17 words · Michael Palmer

SpamAssassin / Osirusoft

Make sure you skip RBL checks if you’re watching Osirusoft Blocklist, it’s dead.

September 2, 2003 · 1 min · 41 words · Michael Palmer

Labor Day Holiday YAY!

Crazy! Finally after this long month, we get a three day weekend. whew, this will be nice. Dunno what im doing yet, but gonna try and relax, and use my time off work to not get on the computer. So probably no posts this weekend. Everyone have a fun and safe Labor day, (unless you arent celebrating it ’cause you don’t live in a place that does).

August 29, 2003 · 1 min · 67 words · Michael Palmer

Canon Digital Rebel.

mmm. I want one. Now only if about $1100 fell out of the sky this morning. Canon has today announced the EOS Digital Rebel (US name) / EOS-300D (Rest of world) / Kiss Digital (Japan name). This six megapixel digital SLR is essentially a feature reduced EOS-10D in the EOS-300’s silver body (plastic). It will have a body only priced of $900 in the US, Read More : Canon EOS-300D / Digital Rebel: Digital Photography Review ...

August 29, 2003 · 1 min · 76 words · Michael Palmer

Site Update - Blog

Made some more changes to the sites today.. Added three random images to the top right of the main page, from my photoblog. It updates the random images everytime I make a new entry. Also at the bottom of the photoblog I now display the last 6 entries thumbnails. Looks better i think. Some links to keep you occupiedGeorgia for the second year in a row scored lowest in the nation on SAT.Governor Jeb Bush Sends Lawyers to Represent a Fetus.People killed a young autistic boy while trying to “lift” his spirits at a prayer meeting.How to use Japanese Toilets.New HP Device Converts VHS to DVDArnold interview from 1977 talking about bodybuilding and gangbangs ...

August 27, 2003 · 1 min · 114 words · Michael Palmer

Nothing in particular today

Rambling on the blog about nothing

August 26, 2003 · 1 min · 158 words · Michael Palmer

I don't use!

Lots of crawlers looking for my form mail scripts.

August 21, 2003 · 1 min · 58 words · Michael Palmer

MSN Update Mandatory

Well, maybe I’ll stop using MSN if this really goes through, that or Microsoft releases a client for linux. October 15th is the deadline. Microsoft is changing its MSN instant messaging service to lock out users of third-party software that uses the service as well as users of older versions of Microsoft’s own Messenger client, the company says. Users must upgrade to newer versions of MSN or Windows Messenger by October 15 or they will no longer be able to log on, says Sean Sundwall, a Microsoft spokesperson. The upgrade is required because of “security issues” with the older versions of the Messenger clients, Sundwall says, declining to specify the issues. ...

August 20, 2003 · 1 min · 121 words · Michael Palmer

Daily Links - Interesting

SWAT Hand Signals – Pretty funny. So called good worm starts to turn : A good worm that goes around patching your windows XP and deleting itself. Crazy. Don’t know if it’s true or not. The Daily Times states that blonde jokes will be made illegal in Bosnia. is a cool place to view the current energy stats of the nation. Yo, GOD! is selling God Detectors. Spot the Devil – Attorney General John Ashcroft believes calico cats are a sign of the devil. ...

August 19, 2003 · 1 min · 117 words · Michael Palmer