Pulse Jet Engines.. The Future
The race heats up to replace the jet turbine with a more efficient source of Mach-breaking airpower: the pulse-detonation engine. Read More : Popular Science | After Combustion: Detonation!
The race heats up to replace the jet turbine with a more efficient source of Mach-breaking airpower: the pulse-detonation engine. Read More : Popular Science | After Combustion: Detonation!
The Blackout is a blog someone has created to post all the pictures of NY while on blackout. Pretty crazy to see thousands of people walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. Guess I should add that all the pictures were sent in via SMS from cell phones. Over at The Gothamist, they have posted a lot of great pictures.
This guy sends out 2 billion emails a month. It’s all spam and he’s responsible for it. Read his interview. From his home office, where a dozen rack-mounted computer servers hum 24 hours a day, Scelson in customary T-shirt and shorts sends millions of e-mails to 50 or so computer servers in the USA, China, South America and Europe. It costs $20,000 a month to pump out e-mail hawking everything from insurance to toys to lingerie. Software plows through 165,000 e-mail addresses an hour, searching for the roughly 16% that are active. Automated e-mail is then sent to the accounts, asking subscribers if they want spam. On average, only 3,000 of 5 million respond “yes,” Scelson says. He says he continues to send e-mail pitches to those accounts and leaves others alone. ...
I want this in my apartment. Damn neat. he Wooden Mirror project is an art installation, and as such the goals leading to its creation are a bit vague. The piece explores the line between analog and digital. In the essence of the piece is the notion of inflicting digital order on a material that is as analog as it gets ñ wood. I was hoping to take the computational power of a computer and video camera , and seamlessly integrate them into the physicality warmth and beauty of a wooden mirror. The piece reflects any object or person in front of it by organizing the wooden pieces. It moves fast enough to create live animation. ...
ok, so ive added tables to make this blog look more cleaner. I’ll be updating more in the future, who knows when for sure. Thinking about changing the color scheme to resemble my photoblog, but don’t know. We’ll see.
Time to patch your XP and 2000 installations. By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus Aug 11 2003 3:13PMA malicious worm that exploits last month’s RPC DCOM vulnerability struck the Internet Monday afternoon, targeting unpatched Windows 2000 and Windows XP machines. The worm, dubbed “Blaster” and “LovSan” by security and anti-virus companies, attacks vulnerable machines over TCP port 135, then spawns a shell and initiates a TFTP file transfer to retrieve the worm’s code. ...
Lallapalooza was fun yesterday. It was damn hot during the day, ended up sweating like a donkey in a sandstorm. Incubus was really good, they covered a lot of unique songs. They covered Lionel Richie – “Hello” and Shudder To Think – “X-French Tee Shirt”. Very good covers. Audioslave was great. Chris Cornell did some of his solo tracks. His voice was a little off when he first got on stage, but got much better after warming up. Queens of the stone age was an interesting set. And of course Jane’s Addiction was great. ...
So.. my sister has got her car up on ebay. I think she’s asking too much, but Edmunds.com says its worth $15,590 at a dealership, so maybe someone will want it. View the auction
Ok, so I decided I’m going to start trying to get at least one good shot of something every day of the year. So I started a photoblog to record all of the images at. Check it out. => http://www.mikedaddy.com/photoblog
Wow. Finally finished the 26things Scavenger hunt. Was a lot of fun. This is my favorite picture. Click the link from my project page at the top to view all submissions. As of right now, there are 166 entries.