The L-Curve

Interesting site on distribution of wealth. Imagine the population of the United States stretched across a football field in order of income, from poorest to richest. Now imagine a stack of $100 bills representing each person’s income. (A 1-inch stack of $100 bills is $25,000.) The red line represents the heights of those stacks compared to a football field. I call this graph the “L-Curve.” Read More : The L-Curve

July 30, 2003 · 1 min · 70 words · Michael Palmer

Texas Lotto Numbers

Generating Texas Lotto numbers from your own randomness.

July 30, 2003 · 1 min · 112 words · Michael Palmer

The Telephone Voice Lady

July 28, 2003 — Jane Barbe, whose voice was familiar to millions of telephone users across the country who ever dialed a wrong number or had to “Please listen to the following options” in a voice-mail system, died July 18 in Roswell, Ga., of complications from cancer. She was 74. Read More : New York Post Online Edition: news

July 29, 2003 · 1 min · 59 words · Michael Palmer

DOD Requiring IPv6 Compliance

Finally someone is making some progress on the IPv6 front. Citing National Security Concerns, Osterholz Says $30 Billion DoD IT Budget Will Only Buy Network Technologies That Are IPv6-Compliant Starting in October 2003, With Full Integration by 2008 Read More : Defense Department Will Require IPv6 Compliance, Says DoD’s John Osterholz

July 29, 2003 · 1 min · 51 words · Michael Palmer

Logitech MX700/MX500 Linux Setup

I just set up this Logitech MX700/MX500 howto for linux and xfree 4.2/4.3. I figured I’d blog it so google would catch it and then people could find it. This quick reference should be fine for setup on all linux distro’s as it is not distro dependent. Just for grins I am doing this on Gentoo.Also, this should work perfectly on the mx500 also. I have not tested it ’cause I don’t have one, but from what I hear, they are the same mouse. ...

July 29, 2003 · 1 min · 92 words · Michael Palmer

Subpoena Username Query Form

The EFF has put up a page for users to check their IP address or username to see if a subpoena has been issued to gather information on you. Concerned that information about your file-sharing username may have been subpoenaed by the RIAA? Check here to see if your username or IP address is on one of the subpoenas filed with the D.C. District Court. This information is drawn from the court’s publicly available PACER database and will be updated when that system is updated. ...

July 28, 2003 · 1 min · 92 words · Michael Palmer

Rail Gun Page

Welcome to the newly redesigned haven for the rail gun enthusiast. This page covers some of the latest techniques in electromagnetic propulsion, but the construction of a rail gun is a perilous undertaking so use the information contained herein at your own risk. Read More : Jengel and Fatro’s Rail Gun Page: Introduction

July 28, 2003 · 1 min · 53 words · Michael Palmer

Kazaa users Hit by subpoenas

And so it starts.. The recording industry has launched a sweeping effort to identify and shut down individual song swappers, making good on recent threats to expand its legal battle against copyright theft. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has now issued more than 911 subpoenas to Internet service providers across the United States, trying to get the names of people still offering music on file-sharing networks such as KaZaA and Grokster. ...

July 24, 2003 · 1 min · 81 words · Michael Palmer

Prokyon3 MP3 Manager

Hmm.. looks interesting. Wonder if it will be good.. Gonna try it some time today. It even has a windows port for you inferior minds out there. prokyon3 is a multithreaded MP3 manager and tag editor for Linux / Windows. It was written in C using the Qt3 widget set (Qt2 on Windows) and the MySQL database. prokyon3 can access MP3 files on harddisk, CDROM, SMB and NFS. Files can be played using XMMS (WinAmp on Windows), and can even be played when the files are on CD as prokyon3 identifies CDs by content. The files view is customizable and favorite artists are supported. prokyon3 also offers an editor for ID3 and Ogg tags and has been designed to support tagging for multiple files en mass. ...

July 24, 2003 · 1 min · 133 words · Michael Palmer


Static blogs are making a comeback

July 24, 2003 · 1 min · 127 words · Michael Palmer