Opt-Out Junk Mail
This site will generate all the necessary forms to send out to all the companies that send you bulk/junk snail mail. (in your mailbox. we’re not talking about email silly)Get Off The Lists! | CDT
This site will generate all the necessary forms to send out to all the companies that send you bulk/junk snail mail. (in your mailbox. we’re not talking about email silly)Get Off The Lists! | CDT
Now this just kicks ass! Welcome to Mailinator(tm). No Signup. No waiting. No SPAM. Just email – your email – anytime you want it. No time wasted signing-up, just send an email to any address @mailinator.com. Your email address already exists. Get your email sent here, THEN come check mailinator. Your mail will be waiting. Check it out : Mailinator
I got this forward today. Thought it was interesting.
Why do my servers seem to know I’m gone.
An IRC Conversation where “JonJonB” does a search and replace on a page of harry potter, he replaces the word “wand” with “wang”. It sure sound like a pornographic story to me. He bent down and pulled his wang out of the troll’s nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue. Read More : QDB: Quote #111338
A couple was dressed and ready to go out for the evening. They turned ona night light, turned the answering machine on the phone line, coveredtheir pet parakeet and put the cat in the backyard. They phoned the local cab company and requested a taxi. The taxiarrived and the couple opened the front door to leave their house.The cat they had put out into the yard scoots back into the house. ...
Got this today as a forward, thought it was damn near perfect. YOU KNOW YOU ARE IN TEXAS IN JULY WHEN… The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground. The trees are whistling for the dogs. The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance. Hot water now comes out of both taps. You can make sun tea instantly. You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. ...
Rapist get less punishment than downloading an MP3.
Hehe a side devoted to redheads. Cool! Here is one of the best collections of gorgeous women with the most incredible red hair. Please note: there is no nudity on this site. If you are looking for nude photos, you’ll have to go elsewhere. Read More : The Redhead Gallery
Found this MIDI file database. They got a ton of files! Check it out here : MIDI Database Free MIDI Files