Yoda goes to Ireland

I thought this was amusing. Tachyon Research :: Yoda travels to Ireland

July 14, 2003 · 1 min · 12 words · Michael Palmer

Yess! mikedaddy.com new domain

Cool Beans! mikedaddy.com was available. I’m so excited. Its finally not some hair dresser’s website. Anywho I registered it and will be moving my weblog over to that domain within the next week.

July 12, 2003 · 1 min · 33 words · Michael Palmer

Shaving cream rant

Why is it that when I squirt it into my hand, the bottle continues to leak shaving cream juice out. As I’m shaving I continuously find myself wiping the damn shaving cream can’s spurt hole to get the leakage out. It’s annoying but I can’t help it. Why can’t Gillete make a spurt hole that doesn’t leak after i press the button, or maybe they could at least let it leak for a minute or so, that wouldnt be that bad. My shaving cream leaks for at least 10 minutes. I get out of the shower and its covered in bubbly leakage. ...

July 11, 2003 · 1 min · 109 words · Michael Palmer

Suzie's Retro Pin Up B-sides

It’s amazing how times have changed. This site : Suzie’s Retro Pin Up B-sides is a 42 page collection of 50’s pin-ups. Check some of them out. Its neat to see what was considered pornography back then, is casual nudity today. Just going to a bar I see worse nudity than that from the general population of women.

July 8, 2003 · 1 min · 58 words · Michael Palmer

Lazy IT Workers

An article about lazy IT workers.

July 7, 2003 · 1 min · 69 words · Michael Palmer

Cool Image From Doc

I was browsing Doc Searls’s Weblog and noticed this picture he took while flying over Colorado. That is a picture of Copper Mountain on the right, and you can even see Breckenridge on the left. Pretty cool that I’m seeing an ariel view of some place I went, once in my life thats about 1500 miles away from home.

July 3, 2003 · 1 min · 59 words · Michael Palmer

26things to photograph

Ok, so I decided to start working on a webpage for the 26things project. I’m trying to keep the layout very clean and simple. I’ve already got 4 out of the 26 categories done. I don’t know if I should put all 26 on the index page, or if I should have multiple index pages, and only show 4 per page, thus creating 6 total index pages.. hrm. I guess I’ll decide when the time comes where I’m getting closer to completing all 26 categories. ...

July 3, 2003 · 1 min · 91 words · Michael Palmer

Photography - 26 Things Project

Making progress on the 26 things project.

July 2, 2003 · 1 min · 38 words · Michael Palmer

26 Things Photo Hunt

A Photo Project

July 1, 2003 · 1 min · 60 words · Michael Palmer

National Do not call Registry

The National Do not call Registry is up! Finally they’re doing something about phone-spam. Now for the next step, a national do not spam registry for email! haha that would be one HUGE database. Most telemarketers cannot call your telephone number if it is in the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your home and mobile phone numbers for free. Your registration will be effective for five years. ...

June 30, 2003 · 1 min · 78 words · Michael Palmer