mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Trip to the Dewberry Farm

Tons of photos at the Dewberry Farm

Rockin' out to 80s tonight.

I’m jamming 80’s on my studio headphones tonight.

Kinda surfing the web too. Just enjoying a quiet night alone with nothing to do in the world. Of course I could be doing work, or cleaning, or out with people, but everyone needs to keep time aside to just listen to music.

It’s good for your soul.

Ugggh Pets

I mean… I love my bets, but sometimes it’s too much.

Fully IPv6 at home

Tunnelbroker.net allows you to setup your own IPv6 network anywhere.

Blog is back!

Server back up. Less bandwidth now, but at least its running again.

Hello Stranger

Hi internets.. Seems like the last two years ive just been posting about how im not posting anymore!

I’m soooooo busy, its crazy.. Maybe sometime i’ll get back to the basics and start posting again!

Holy Crap!

Lately my blogging is dying