
In San Antonio

By Michael Palmer |  May 24, 2008  | #travel | 1 min read
Four o’clock Houston traffic on I-10 really sucked… We arrived in San Antonio at about 8pm, about an hour late. Ate dinner with the family and I busted out the camera with the new Stroboframe Camera Flip Flash Bracket. From the looks of the LCD screen the pics should be good. I forgot my flash reader so I wont be able to check out the pics until I get home.
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Happy Holidays

By Michael Palmer |  Dec 19, 2007  | #life | 1 min read
With the holidays around, everyone is soo busy! If anyone is in town over the holidays hit me up email or cellphone I’ll make an effort to catch up with you! So when you have a bunch of friends and you get one a Christmas present, then what do you do to keep all your friends happy. What if I don’t want to get all my friends gifts, only one or two friends… It’s troublesome.
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3 Rings Cabernet

By Michael Palmer |  Oct 6, 2007  | #wine | 1 min read
Had “3 Rings Cabernet Sauvignon 2004” last night, it was the best cabernet I’ve ever tasted. It’s an Australian wine from the “Barossa Valley”. I’ve done extensive google searching on it, and cannot find anything, not even a mention of it. Although their 2004 Shiraz has a lot of attention. Maybe I’ll try and find that, Shiraz and Cab. are very close wines, possible I’ll get the same wonderful experience? Perhaps not, this was a “id buy a case if I could find it” kind of wine.
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New Sony Headphones

By Michael Palmer |  Sep 19, 2007  | #gear | 1 min read
My parents got me a pair of Sony MDR7506 headphones for my birthday. Previously I was using Bose® QuietComfort® 3 headphones. They were great for noise cancellation, but the bass was a bit overpowering. I sold them when I was saving for a new camera. These new Sony headphones rock! I’m going back and listening to music I haven’t listened to in a while, it’s amazing the tonal range these produce.
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