mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Yealink T46s PJSIP Cipher Issues

I’ve been having a lot of issues with older Yealink phones not working with pjsip and TLS. Keep getting busy, and end up setting taking the lazy road (and less secure), and setting old broken endpoints to use UDP instead. You can also downgrade the extension to SIP and sometimes TLS will work, but moving it to PJSIP just breaks it. For security sake, please set your phones behind a VPN if you’re going to register without TLS.

Back on Hugo for this Site

This blog has run a lot of different software. It started as a microblog written in Perl, then I switched to Movable Type, then Wordpress, and now I’ve been running Ghost for a while now on this blog, I think more than two years, after dropped Wordpress, because I was constantly fighting to keep it secure and to keep from being hacked. Ghost has been begging me to update, so it was time to re-imagine things here.

Parsing Nagios4 status.dat to JSON

Dump host stats from your Nagios4 status.dat as JSON.

Cisco IOS to Azure Tunnel within a VRF

Or how I pretty much memorized IPSec tunneling

Ninja Coffee Machine

A poem for ninjas

Shooting Film. Kodak Tri-X

I really don’t blog enough. I want to blog all the time, but I think I get distracted, or maybe I just really don’t like WordPress. I’ve got so much history here though, it’s a huge undertaking to migrate to another format. I’ve been shooting film a lot, maybe for 6 months straight, exclusively. I’ve sold off most of my Canon digital lenses. Picked up some Leica lenses to go with my M6 (a 50mm Summicron, and a 28mm Elamrit).

Found Film From The 2005 Fire

Film Photos from an old trip to Niagara Falls.