mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Whoa 300 posts!

I just noticed my last post was my 300th post! Thats pretty cool, doesnt seem like that many.

MT Upgrade Finally

Upgraded my Movable Type install.

Pace Up Onda Blog


Mikedaddy? Search results.

Mikedaddy was a decent choice for a unique name.

Bloglines Rules

A feed reader that works.

New Server!

Thanks to donations, we’re up and running on new hardware!

Damn Spam is Back

Spam seems to be taking over everything. Anyways, Short post here.. I’ve turned off the comments for all entries older than 5 days, until I figure out a better way of dealing with the spam.. I dont thing MT-Blacklist is working right.

Update: Okay, I turned back on the comments, going to see if I’ve fixed MT-Blacklist.