mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

New Server - Donations

This old girl is gonna quit soon, need some new equipment.


Yes finally a spam blocking plugin. Looks good. I’m gonna try it next week hopefully.MT-Blacklist: Stop Spam Now

Search engine references

Things people are searching for and ending up on this blog

Site Update - Blog

Made some more changes to the sites today.. Added three random images to the top right of the main page, from my photoblog. It updates the random images everytime I make a new entry. Also at the bottom of the photoblog I now display the last 6 entries thumbnails. Looks better i think.

Some links to keep you occupiedGeorgia for the second year in a row scored lowest in the nation on SAT.Governor Jeb Bush Sends Lawyers to Represent a Fetus.People killed a young autistic boy while trying to “lift” his spirits at a prayer meeting.How to use Japanese Toilets.New HP Device Converts VHS to DVDArnold interview from 1977 talking about bodybuilding and gangbangs

A tiny update

ok, so ive added tables to make this blog look more cleaner. I’ll be updating more in the future, who knows when for sure. Thinking about changing the color scheme to resemble my photoblog, but don’t know. We’ll see.


Static blogs are making a comeback

Yess! mikedaddy.com new domain

Cool Beans! mikedaddy.com was available. I’m so excited. Its finally not some hair dresser’s website. Anywho I registered it and will be moving my weblog over to that domain within the next week.