mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Recent Beers

Two beers I’m really enjoying lately.

Nov. to Jan. What happened?

Blogging is starting to fall to the wayside for me.

Kylie's Songs

My 3yr old has some excellent taste in music.

Weekend and Stuff

House is getting close and closing date is coming soon.

Pictures from the Fire

Our apartment burned down and we pretty much lost everything.

House building status

House is nearing completion!

Weekend Stuff - Ham

Got a lot of shopping done this weekend. Only need to buy for my dad, my mom, Sammi’s dad, more stuff for Kylie, and more for Sammi.

Had a wonderful Sunday with Kylie. We just hung out together, it was a lot of fun, she’s getting so big and so smart, its like hanging out with a good friend. I was a bit depressed leaving her on Sunday, but of course I get to see her again tonight.