mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Yealink T46s PJSIP Cipher Issues

I’ve been having a lot of issues with older Yealink phones not working with pjsip and TLS. Keep getting busy, and end up setting taking the lazy road (and less secure), and setting old broken endpoints to use UDP instead. You can also downgrade the extension to SIP and sometimes TLS will work, but moving it to PJSIP just breaks it. For security sake, please set your phones behind a VPN if you’re going to register without TLS.

iSCSI Target Server Choices

Building a custom iSCSI target server based on Debian Linux. Will it work?

Servers: No country for old men

It’s amazing how long Linux server can run if you don’t patch them.

Texas Linux Fest April 2nd!

Almost missed Texas Linux Fest this year! Last year it fell on a non-good weekend for me. I’m going to actually try and attend this year. Lots of good sponsors, and good speakers!

Apple? Should I switch?

Considering Apple since I’m a Linux nerd.

Linux World Days 1-3

Jeez, I keep forgetting to write about LinuxWorld.. First of all, sitting on a bed and using the laptop gets very uncomfortable after about 20 minutes in one position. The weather has been great here.. high 50’s at night and high 60’s in the daytime.. The conference has been great, got so much free stuff, im going to have to get a box for all this stuff and check it as baggage.

Linux World Arrival

Made it to San Francisco this afternoon for Linux World. The weather is real nice, about 68 degrees right now.. The hotel is decent, but the wireless seems to be flaky, it’s acting like a linksys router or something.. every minute or so it drops me. I’ve got the same issues in linux and windows with both my broadcom b/g minipci and my orinoco gold.. so im using my orinoco with the externa mag mount antenna.