Linux access on the WRT54G – This is a mini Linux distribution for the Linksys wrt54g. In about 20 seconds, you can install a small set of Linux tools to your access point’s ramdisk.
Thanks Metlhed
Linux access on the WRT54G – This is a mini Linux distribution for the Linksys wrt54g. In about 20 seconds, you can install a small set of Linux tools to your access point’s ramdisk.
Thanks Metlhed
Been working on a side project. It’s finished pretty much. PortageView. Its sorta a searchable database of portage. Works nice. and its Fast.
Saw Type-O Negative in concert last night. It was a great concert, except the club it was at had a lot of audio problems and Peter was getting pissed off. But what can you expect from a 25 year old club that has no working A/C.
I wanted to make note of this in my blog so I could reference it later. Very Handy way to rip audio from dvds.
Thanks Jeremy Zawodny and David Dorward
I use Transcode for this, for example:
transcode -i /dev/dvd -p /dev/dvd -T 1,1 -E 44100 -y null,wav -m myAudio.wav -s 3
Read More : Jeremy Zawodny’s blog: DVD Audio Extraction?