mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Linux on Linksys

Linux access on the WRT54G – This is a mini Linux distribution for the Linksys wrt54g. In about 20 seconds, you can install a small set of Linux tools to your access point’s ramdisk.

Thanks Metlhed

Gentoo PortageView

Been working on a side project. It’s finished pretty much. PortageView. Its sorta a searchable database of portage. Works nice. and its Fast.

Saw Type-O Negative in concert last night. It was a great concert, except the club it was at had a lot of audio problems and Peter was getting pissed off. But what can you expect from a 25 year old club that has no working A/C.

Logitech MX700/MX500 Linux Setup

I just set up this Logitech MX700/MX500 howto for linux and xfree 4.2/4.3. I figured I’d blog it so google would catch it and then people could find it.

This quick reference should be fine for setup on all linux distro’s as it is not distro dependent. Just for grins I am doing this on Gentoo.Also, this should work perfectly on the mx500 also. I have not tested it ’cause I don’t have one, but from what I hear, they are the same mouse.

Ripping audio from DVDs

I wanted to make note of this in my blog so I could reference it later. Very Handy way to rip audio from dvds.

Thanks Jeremy Zawodny and David Dorward

I use Transcode for this, for example:

transcode -i /dev/dvd -p /dev/dvd -T 1,1 -E 44100 -y null,wav -m myAudio.wav -s 3


Read More : Jeremy Zawodny’s blog: DVD Audio Extraction?

Hack attempt on the Website

PHP Photo galleries were at risk for getting hacked. I’ve taken them down.

More Sco Bullshit

Suing to claim ownership of Linux

Linux Framebuffer

A simple chart showing the framebuffer numbers for your lilo.