mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Unix-Haters Handbook

This is a real book, that was at one time in print but now in PDF. Its 329pages and free! Check it out.

“The Unix-Haters Handbook” WWW Page

Gnome 2.2

Trying out Gnome again, over other lightweight window managers

Linus Interview

Linux Torvalds speaks with BOOT Magazine

CVS Tutorial

Found a good entry level article on CVS (Concurrent Version System.. not the pharmacy). Great for easy setup.. I wish I had found this about a year ago when I was interested in it. Anyway, Check it out if CVS is something you care about.

Tame Your Wild Config Herds With CVS

Novell & Linux Buddy up

It’s time Novell embraces the future


A program to allow you to burn CD’s from Linux

Mandrake Firewall

Is Linux any good as a firewall?