mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Rockin' out to 80s tonight.

I’m jamming 80’s on my studio headphones tonight.

Kinda surfing the web too. Just enjoying a quiet night alone with nothing to do in the world. Of course I could be doing work, or cleaning, or out with people, but everyone needs to keep time aside to just listen to music.

It’s good for your soul.

Zach Galifianakis is the man.

Wait till i get my money right

My Lastest Music

I’ve been on a hunt for new music the last couple months.

Albums currently being spun in the Hyundai:

Ya some of its old, but hey I’m just now discovering it.

Ugh, Enough of Kravitz

I hate you

Kylie's Songs

My 3yr old has some excellent taste in music.

Song Outlines

An outline of a song. Reminds me of an XML tree, or a JSON.

Gerry Rafferty

Right down the line.