26things Scavanger Hunt
Wow. Finally finished the 26things Scavenger hunt. Was a lot of fun. This is my favorite picture. Click the link from my project page at the top to view all submissions. As of right now, there are 166 entries.
Wow. Finally finished the 26things Scavenger hunt. Was a lot of fun. This is my favorite picture. Click the link from my project page at the top to view all submissions. As of right now, there are 166 entries.
I was browsing Doc Searls’s Weblog and noticed this picture he took while flying over Colorado. That is a picture of Copper Mountain on the right, and you can even see Breckenridge on the left. Pretty cool that I’m seeing an ariel view of some place I went, once in my life thats about 1500 miles away from home.
Ok, so I decided to start working on a webpage for the 26things project. I’m trying to keep the layout very clean and simple. I’ve already got 4 out of the 26 categories done. I don’t know if I should put all 26 on the index page, or if I should have multiple index pages, and only show 4 per page, thus creating 6 total index pages.. hrm. I guess I’ll decide when the time comes where I’m getting closer to completing all 26 categories. ...
Making progress on the 26 things project.
A Photo Project
Fotolog.net is a good site that hosts weblogs for photos only. They currently have 12,260 people using the service, with 172,036 photo’s. Pretty nead.Check it out : Fotolog.net