mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Parsing Nagios4 status.dat to JSON

Dump host stats from your Nagios4 status.dat as JSON.

Kamailio - Changing the From URI for Level3

URI weirdness with Level3

Trixbox Polycom Directory of all extensions for IP650

Generating an XML directory for a Polycom 650 phone.

cURL issue with backwpup for Wordpress

Backup issues with backwpup and curl due to SSL Verification.

Perl vs PHP5 Part II / Blogging

Made myself look like an idiot in front of a Perl audience.

Perl vs PHP5

Edit: Sorry brian d foy. See comments.

brian d foy writes in this article, O’Reilly Network: Perl versus PHP 5, that he’s seen a lot of complaints about how hard it is to install modules in Perl. Now either he doesn’t use Perl, or maybe he just doesn’t know.

perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Module::Name'

That’s it. PHP doesn’t have a vast module network. I don’t hate PHP, but sooo many security issues, im ALWAYS upgrading mod_php. Perl is my language of choice. I’ve used python/php/tcl and I always come back to Perl.

Finished LConMan

Linux Connection Manager