mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Dominican Republic with Arganese Cigars

Back from the Dominican Republic, with a new appreciation for cigars.

Wedding Shoot: San Antonio Day 2

Shooting a wedding for family this weekend.

In San Antonio

Four o’clock Houston traffic on I-10 really sucked… We arrived in San Antonio at about 8pm, about an hour late. Ate dinner with the family and I busted out the camera with the new Stroboframe Camera Flip Flash Bracket. From the looks of the LCD screen the pics should be good. I forgot my flash reader so I wont be able to check out the pics until I get home.

Dominican Republic

Going on a cigar tour in the DR

Back From Vacation

Took a 7 day cruise on Carnival. What a long trip.

Brazos Bend State Park Observatory

First time at the Observatory

Time is flying

Man this year is going by quick! I got vacation in four more weeks, going a my first ever cruise. Hopefully it doesn’t suck!