mikedaddy blog

A blog about life, linux, networking, photography, and Perl

Get an array of months in Perl

Building an array of months for an HTML dropdown box.

Setting up Memcached for HTML::Mason

It’s pretty easy integrating a Memcached hook into your Perl code.

Song Outlines

An outline of a song. Reminds me of an XML tree, or a JSON.

I don't use formmail.pl!

Lots of crawlers looking for my form mail scripts.


Static blogs are making a comeback

Livejournal Sux

Biggest mistake I ever did was install a livejournal server. This software is VERY unmanageable. I want to be able to delete all these damn duplicate users, I also want reports of how many entries users have made and how long its been since they’ve logged in. Unfortunately there is nothing for this. All I have to work with is the damn admin console. I can’t even list users with that. My final note to leave you with…

CVS Tutorial

Found a good entry level article on CVS (Concurrent Version System.. not the pharmacy). Great for easy setup.. I wish I had found this about a year ago when I was interested in it. Anyway, Check it out if CVS is something you care about.

Tame Your Wild Config Herds With CVS