Ok, so the Texas Lotto is up to $47 million. So I decided, screw these quick pic machines, ill just write a Perl script to give you random numbers. It works great. Gonna play the numbers tonight.
[ Check it out ]
If you’re interested here’s my code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $times = $ARGV[0] || 1;
for (1..$times) {
my @numbers;
for(1..5) {
my $num = randm();
until ("@numbers" !~ /$num/) {
$num = randm();
push (@numbers,$num);
@numbers = sort {$a <=> $b }@numbers;
print "@numbers ".randm()."BB\n";
sub randm {
sprintf("%2.2d ",int(rand(44))+1);
Wog and Metlhed came up with a one liner:
sub r{sprintf"%02d",1+rand 44}while($ARGV[0]--){$_=my%n;$n{+r}++,$_="@{[sort+keys%n]}| ".r."-BB\n"until 22==y///c;print}