life, weather, ranting
Asshat rain
I hate it when it rains all the time.
weather, gaming
Burrrr = Wow TBC
32.0 °F / 0.0 °C — Light Freezing Rain[Spring, TX at 5:30 PM CST]
Talk about some cold weather for this part of the country. I don’t think we’ve had weather like this in a few years.
World of Warcraft — Burning Crusade came out today… I didn’t buy it. My account cancels on Jan 29th. I’ve pretty much stopped playing all together, it’s nice not being so stressed out all the time to make raids along with real life deadlines.
weather, houston
The Weather - Yes!
Cold front coming this weekend.
weather, houston
Crazy Heat
Is Houston supposed to be 100 degrees every day at the end of September? Ugh, come on winter, hurry up already before I move to Alaska!
Yes first post in a while, more to come today..
travel, weather
Travelling and Hurricanes
Three hurricanes in a year and we’re still looking at more.