Category: Blogging

A collection of 27 posts

Site Update - Blog

By Michael Palmer |  Aug 27, 2003  | blogging
Made some more changes to the sites today.. Added three random images to the top right of the main page, from my photoblog. It updates the random images everytime I make a new entry. Also at the bottom of the photoblog I now display the last 6 entries thumbnails. Looks better i think. Some links to keep you occupiedGeorgia for the second year in a row scored lowest in the nation on SAT.
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A tiny update

By Michael Palmer |  Aug 13, 2003  | blogging
ok, so ive added tables to make this blog look more cleaner. I’ll be updating more in the future, who knows when for sure. Thinking about changing the color scheme to resemble my photoblog, but don’t know. We’ll see.
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